Monday, May 31, 2010

100 Day Trial

I heard about the 100 day trial in a forum post. A friend, highly dissatisfied with a site, found out on the 45th day that the site was a huge pay out. Although it was dissatisfying at first, because of the slow income start, they quickly fell in love with the site. (In case you are wonder, they fell in love with ehow. Which is now demand studios)  If the friend would have given up when the long slow start, she would have missed out on a nice pay check, and a new good writing site.

Many sites take time to learn to use, article take time to mature, and therefore giving new sites a 100 trial period is the best way to see if a site is really going to work for you. Each writer is different, therefor not all writing will like the same sites.

When you stumble upon a new site, give them the 100 trial period before leaving. This will give the site a fair shot to see how it really matches up with you.

Remember - Never pay money out upfront; 90% of the time it will be a scam.


Basically Triond is a place to publish any kind of writing, picture, video, or audio. They have a network they publish the content to the most relevant websites. They split the earning in half with you. They pay by Paypal, check, or Western Union.

Overall the site is good place to publish, but I personal feel that writing will usually earn better on the other sites. However, Triond is a good place for video, audio, and pictures. Triond does allow users to intergrade their google adsense accounts to earn even more.

I have been paid from triond many times into my paypal account; so they really do pay. You can find more information on personal experiences about triond Here.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Have you noticed the words with the double lines under them on this blog? Thanks to Infolinks, there are ads in my blog. Now why would I want to put ads in the valuable reading material about making real money online? Because it makes real money! Ads are very important to people who make money online. Writer get paid from ads on their sites.

With infolinks the ads do not take up any space. Keywords are simply underlined twice. When a mouse is dragged over the underline words an ads show up. The ad will disappear when the mouse leaves the double underline words. This really doesn't show much on an interfrerrance to the reader. This method is used by many online sites like ehow and firehow. Now you can turn your blogs or personal sites into making even more money as well with infolinks.

According to the infolinks ad, infolinks video ad, They are the top payers in Ad Revenue. Well I just added it to this blog and I'll keep you updated to how the results are. Plus I can add infolinks to my other sites as well. (I'll be doing this soon)

Just another way to make real money online. And there many more way then just writing.. we'll be cover those soon, so please keep checking back. We have lots of sites and helpful tips to making money online.

Real Money Proof

Ok, I promised that there is real money out on the internet that can be made. I bet you want to see some proof. Now I write on many sites like helium, firehow, associated content, and many more. One site is ehow, now ehow is not excepting any more writes but their parent company Demand Studio is. Demand Studio is now the publishing plat form for ehow. Well I have 192 articles on ehow and started just under a year ago writing for them. Pennies rolled in, then dollars, and now I'm still earning every month on those article. Well here is the proof and my earnings so far May 2010.

Article Stats
Articles Written: 192 (Updated: 5/29/2010)
Article Views: 114,052 (Updated: 5/29/2010)
Earnings in May $91.57 (Updated: 5/28/2010)

Now normally it is not a good idea to publicly show your earnings, but it is the only way to show that proof that you can really make money online. Like I've said before this is not a get rich quick or fast money, but if I continue to write it all adds up. For my earnings to be so high it did take a lot more then just writing the 192 article. It takes time for those article to get attention and hit their earning potential.

I did a lot more then just writing the articles as well. I worked very hard at promoting them as well.
I've used many social networking site like buzz up, twitter, myspace, facebook, and many many more. I used to have to publish to each one individually. Promoting has become much easier with a programed called has saved me countless of hours in promoting articles because I can now do just one post and posts the article to many sites. Leaving  just a few that I have to post to individually. There is a list of places to promote your article on here:

Besides social networking sites, another way to promote your writing is with pingomatic. Pingomatic will ping the search engines and make them aware of your article.

Another great way to promote articles is by answering  question related to your articles. For example, I see on yahoo answers that a writer is looking for places to put their content. I can tell them some of the sites off the top of my head and leave the link for one of my sites that has the list of many more sites. This is allowed because it fully answers their question and leads them to even more answers related to their question.  (note: check the rules before posting so you don't get banned. Do not spam. Only post when it really answers the question being asked.)

It does take a lot of countless hours to started, but after you are established you can slow down to a nice steady pace. As long as you keep writing you should keep making money online.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

FireHow is site for "how to" type of articles. Firehow suggest that you try to write 400 to 600 words per article, but they understand that some articles are impossible to stretch. Like some baking "how tos" just do not need that many words to be clearly written. Firehow is newer company that was started in 2009. The owner is Paul McLalin. The site pays based upon Ad Revenues.

Firehow is easy to write for and you can publish any "How tos" that you can think of. There are just a few drawbacks. Firehow is a newer company, therefor you need to work really hard on promoting to get really good traffic. Not too hard after you sign up for all the site and use

With firehow being a newer company the website is not as advance as some of the other website. The newness of the website can also be a great advantage. There is a lots of room for growth and lots of articles as well. This is not a huge payer without a lot of work, but is a great place for writer to start out and start earning. Another large advantage to firehow is you can edit your article after it has been posted. A large help for catching spelling, grammar, and typo errors.

Online Freelancing

There is a nice long list of sites for writer to write online and make money. You do not have to be  a professional writer to make money online, but you do need to have good spelling and grammar. Don't fret if you have a hard time with spelling and grammar that is why we have created spell checkers. Especially if you have a problem with spelling and grammar you should write your articles or stories in a program like Microsoft Word or Open Office. Open Office has many similarities like Microsoft Word, but it  is a free program developed by college students to help other students. Having a good program to type into will help to catch some of the spelling and grammar errors.

The next best step is to save your work and wait at least one day to proof read the article. If you just wrote the article you may miss some common spelling and grammar problems that was not picked up by the spell checker. Some common words that are missed by spell check are words that are spelled correctly, but are the wrong word. Just like when people mix up there and their. Same words, different meaning. For those that would like to know the differences: "there" means a place like over there; "their" is personal or showing ownership like their bike or their book.

Sometimes writing is done away from home without or not as good of a spell and grammar checkers. It is best to paste your writing over to Word of Open Office before publish. This is just another good way to proof read and double check for spelling and grammar errors.

Every time you write you will learn more and get better at writing. Often readers will leave comments on your writing or send private emails to point out errors. Do not take offense to these being pointed out. The readers are trying to help you to learn and become a better writer.

You can find a nice list of where to write on this web site:
This site is full of real places to write online that I or a close friend have tried and made some money from. I will be talking more about individual sites in later posts including how well they pay. The list is a good place to start if you are looking to get into freelancing.

Online freelancing is great because you can write from almost anywhere and on anything you can think of. You can writer "How tos", poems, or even stories. There is a site for everyone. There is one problem with freelancing, you are not going to get rich quick or be able to quit your day job by the next week. Especially with sites that have ad revenue sharing, the money will start with pennies, then dollars, eventually like me, you'll enter the hundreds of dollars a month. This takes time to build a large library of your writing.

There are two main ways of getting paid. Ad Revenue or flat fees. Flat fee are nice because they give you the quickest way to money. Ad Revenue trickles in a little each month and continues as long as the page gets traffic. Many of my article have made over $100 for one article with Ad Revenue. So if you can wait the article may make more money with ad revenue. Some sites like Associated Content, do both upfront payment and ad revenue sharing. Often unless it is a large amount, I keep away from the just flat fees because I can make by waiting for the Ad Revenue. Ad Revenue is also nice because you start to get a paycheck every month. As your library of writing gets larger the monthly paychecks usually get larger as well.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I bet almost everyone has heard of paypal. There are many people who are worried and scared that paypal is not safe. I have used paypal for many years and once had a break in problem. The break in was actually my fault. All of my online logins and passwords were the same. Someone got into one of my accounts and has access to everything else. Thankfully between the nice paypal and the bank, I didn't loose anything. I did waste some time and get a headache. I almost gave up on paypal, but needed paypal to continue my online life. I made some major changes and never had a problem since.

If you want to earn money online you will need a paypal account. Very few places online will send a check. Getting a check usually take twice as long and usually incurs some fees. With the these rules, listed below, you can safely use paypal and never worry about a break in. These rules are very simple and important. Paypal is a must of online workers.

Rules to keep safe with paypal.

#1 Use one email address as your login, but a different address to receive your emals from paypal. Many scams are done by people sending emails to your login address. Setting paypal to a private address will stop scams from really finding you. You safely know that all of the email going into your login email address are spam.. don't open them. Forward the email to  and then delete the email.

#2 Use a unique password that you don't use anywhere else. This may be hard at first, but it is the best way. Make up a password using random letters and numbers, have at least one capitalized. Write down the password in a safe spot. Do Not save the password to your computer. If you have a safe, lock the password away. It is best not to use real words as they are easier to crack.

#3 Never ever ever give your password to anyone. Even paypal doesn't need your password.. it is only for you. A web site only needs your paypal login to send money, not your password. Your password is only to be used for login into paypal.

#4 Never follow a link in an email to paypal. Some people set up sites to look like paypal, but they only get you if you follow their link and put in your login and password. If you follow rule number one, you'll see these email going to the login address, not the other address that paypal really send to.


This is a real way to make money with twitter. All you have to do is copy ads and tweet them out to your followers. The real trick here is you have to have followers to tweet to. When the followers click on the revtweet, you earn money. Note you can not tell people to click on the tweets or click them yourself; this is click fraud and you could get banned.
For this to really be profitable you need to have a twitter account, which is free. Then you need to tweet (or post) short and interesting links to get followers. You can also quickly build up your followers by following other people.
As long as people are reading your tweets, they may click on one of your revtweets and you will make money. This is quick as it only takes a few seconds to do, depending on your followers it will take a while to reach the pay out. Payout happen upon request and must be a minimal amount of $20.00 which is payable to your paypal account.
This will not get you quick at all, but if you don't mind waiting.. it will slowly add up pennies. This is much more profitable.. if you tweet more then just ads. You'll have to tweet something interesting.. like this article...(I hope you are finding it interesting).

Rules for Finding Real Income

I have often just told people about the ways I am able to make money online. Often people get discourage because of all the scams out there. Yes, there are a lot of scams out there, but you can find real ways to make money online. Fist you need to have rules to seperate spam from real.


#1 Never, ever pay for information. Information is free and unless you are investing into a company, why would you pay for a job?

#2 Read all the fine print before signing up. Ok, I know there is a lot to read and even I skim through the "mobo jumbo". Things to look for are anything about fees and how you are to be paid. However you really should read all the "mobo jumbo" so you know what you are getting into.

#3 Check the internet for information on the website before giving out personal information.