Well, I have taken a break for a bit from online. A started a new job about a year ago and got promoted about a month ago. I'm ready to really get back into earning online. Now I'm still making payout every few months from sites like Helium, firehow, triond, and send earnings. Send earnings and helium where the only two I put a little time into. About an hour a month into helium just to rate article and about a half hour a day going though emails from send earnings. My current earning on send earnings is $25.57
Payout is $30.00. This is just a little over a month of work. Now that may not be a lot per month, but I really haven't done much. Even that half hour was time where I was watch the TV with my laptop on my lap.
I'm also selling things online. I have posted once before on this site and just post one last night that has already sold. Yardsellr. I love yardsellr because it doesn't cost to sell or post. The buyer does pay a fee but with the photon it a wonderful price in the end. You don't have to buy photon or anything. Photon are given away for posting, buying, browsing, logging in, sharing.. and I'm sure there is more. So if you have item to sell this is the place to list them without worrying about all those fee to just post. Now you can promote the item yourself but they also have an option to invest a little money, I think its $4 but not sure on that, and they will help promote the item for you. Totally worth it if you have something of big value to sell or need to sell faster. Here is a link below to yardsellr.
I'm going to be working today on updating blogs and posting items on yardsellr. Happy to be back and can't wait to share some good results with everyone soon.