Are you handy making things at home? Finding assembling jobs from home is very hard with all the scam out on the internet. You can however really make money by selling crafts from home. You will have to create an item, then list the item online for a hopeful sale. There are many sites where you could sell crafts such as Ebay or Esty both of which you have to currently take a gamble with your own personal money because of the listing fee. This is great for sure sell or hot items that you know are going to sell. What about the less popular items or crafts you are not sure about?
I found this site Made It Myself for crafts. Currently it has no listing fees and only a 3% selling fee. This is a great way to not gamble with the money in listing fees to sell crafts. You still have the expense of making the craft however. If you or someone you know enjoys making crafts then this site is a great place to start.
May not be all profit for long projects:
For me winter months are slow. Last winter I enjoyed learning to crochet. It was fun. I put $20 into a blanket that was warm and soft. With Made It Myself I could safely list my blanket and wait for a profit. Now that blanket also took weeks for me to make. Partly because I was learning. Most likely a slim chance I'd make enough profit to pay for all the hours that went into making the blanket. However it was an enjoyable hobby that I hope to continue doing this winter.
Take a look at the terms and conditions: and see if Made It Myself is right for your crafts.
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